Biden’s Latest Secret War Revealed

The mainstream media still wants to pretend that Joe Biden is a peaceful man, despite him being the inspiration for any number of Obama’s pointless conflicts.

Apparently not content with just dragging the Afghanistan war out for years, Biden’s getting ready to start another war…

While the media pretends nothing’s happening. Here’s the real story about how the dems are getting ready for war in Mozambique. 

It always starts with the “special advisors”. Remember Vietnam? In 1961, they sent in just a few special military advisors… and then just a short while later, they packed in everyone they could… total war.

Vietnam’s not the only place, of course. Just look at all of Obama’s wars. Syria, Libya, any of the others. They all started with “special advisors”… and then turned into total chaos. 

So with Biden sending his “special advisors” into Mozambique, there’s a question that really has to be asked… how far are we going to let it go? 

As you know, Biden’s planning on breaking President Trump’s promise to finally end the Afghanistan War. With most of his top advisors heavily invested in military companies, he has absolutely no reason to stop wars… they’re making big profits whenever there’s a new war.

So if you want to stop yet another pointless war, stop Biden and the dems throwing away the lives of countless soldiers while inspiring an all-new set of terrorists to attack America, it’s time to demand that your senator takes a stand against terror in Mozambique.

What’s the excuse this time? And what’s really going on?

If you believe Biden, we’re going to Mozambique to “prevent the spread of terrorism” from an ISIS-linked group.

Not true. The thing is, thanks to President Trump, ISIS was stopped and almost completely destroyed. They’re in no place to be sponsoring a group hundreds of miles away from Syria.

In truth, it’s all about the resources. There’s a vast amount of natural gas available just off-shore of Mozambique, and Biden’s refusing to let it go.

The fact is, no matter what Biden and the dems say, they’re not starting wars to make a positive difference for the world… it’s always, always about the money.

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